What is your idea of time?

Every luxury watch at ZEITAUKTION has its own. It carries history, character and uniqueness. As a selected unique piece, the journey of the watch begins from us to you.


At ZEITAUKTION, buyers with expert knowledge tap the daily updated European watch market to find your future luxury watch. After delivery and admission, each watch undergoes a high-level authenticity check. Watchmakers and quality inspectors draw on a source of many years of experience and broad knowledge to do so.

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Used luxury watches are being given a second youth at  ZEITAUKTION. They are being revived. It is like a new beginning and a renaissance in the aesthetics of these works of art. Seen and  recognized in their uniqueness, accepted and refurbished, what already carries life and history shines in new splendor.

To the master workshop


The ZEITAUKTION team guides each luxury watch on its journey to renaissance. Collections of value, craftsmanship with tradition, visions of preservation, sustainability and luxury, aesthetics and modernity come together. Because the souls of the company identify with the souls of their luxury watches, trust is born.

About Us


When ZEITAUKTION speaks of trust, it is meant to refer to the ability to feel safety. It is often the unconscious quality of a person to trust their environment. Choosing a watch at ZEITAUKTION is a conscious decision for value, authenticity, functionality, quality and aesthetics. It is a conscious decision for a luxury watch with soul.

To the master workshop

Each watch is additionally checked online by our partner THE WATCH REGISTER. The team at THE WATCH REGISTER run the largest international database of lost and stolen watches, which also includes frauds and fake watches. The watches are subject to a due diligence check in THE WATCH REGISTER database and is shared by watch dealers, jewelers, pawn shops, auction houses and collectors, as well as insurance companies, police forces and theft victims.

A Greek saying is that time is the soul of the world.
Is the thought worthwhile, according to which a watch depicts not only time but also soul? Luxury watches at ZEITAUKTION provide insight.


One Team

ZEITAUKTION is one team. Everyone works constructively with the other. This conscious action is visible in all results in the overall process.

Find & Connect

We find knowledge and knowledge finds us because we are willing to actively develop ourselves. The ZEITAUKTION team bonds in this creation.


Design processes are as alive as their creators themselves. They establish and realign themselves in the given. ZEITAUKTION works proactively.

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your shop for preowned luxury watches.
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